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Participants Invited for a Survey on Gender and Power in Virtual Meetings

This survey is part of a study on the effect of virtual meetings on gender, power, and communication differences. It is conducted by Ms. Avanlee Peterson, a graduate student in the School of Applied Professional Studies, College of Integrative Sciences at Arizona State, and Dr. Patience Akpan-Obong, a professor in the same organization. Your participation is voluntary but we solicit your cooperation.  The data collected in this survey will be analyzed as a set and may be used in reports, presentations, or publications but your name or any identifying information will not be used or disclosed. There are no foreseeable risks or discomfort to your participation. The expected time commitment is five minutes. Questions concerning the survey should be directed to Dr. Akpan-Obong at patience.akpan@asu.edu

Please click on the link to begin the survey: https://asu.questionpro.com/genderandvolubility

Thank you!