Coordinate Organizations build communities around specific areas or interests within the field of African Studies with the primary focus of facilitating the exchange of ideas, information, and research findings. They function as autonomous elements of the Association, bound by the Association’s policies and procedures and legal status. They are legally covered by the ASA’s 501(c)3 status and as such, must maintain all banking within ASA’s to be audit compliant. Coordinate Organizations must maintain consistent by-laws and must have at least 25 of their members also be members of the ASA. A brief annual report must be submitted for the previous calendar year to the ASA Secretariat by February 1. Coordinate Organizations receive two sponsored panels without review for each Annual Meeting, and are welcome to submit others for review. To become a Coordinate or Affiliate Organization fill out our application.
Join A Coordinate Organization
Individuals may join any Coordinate Organization through the MyASA portal even if they are not current ASA Members. Membership rates vary.

Affiliate organizations consist of organizations that have a scholarly and professional interest in Africa and operate entirely independently of the ASA. They receive free space for their business meeting at the ASA annual meeting (subject to availability). They may submit sponsored panels at the ASA Annual Meeting for review.
Coordinate and affiliate organizations wishing to reserve meeting and reception rooms for the annual meeting should fill out the online form available on the site once the Preliminary Program is released. All scheduling is done on a first come, first serve basis. Please consult the Preliminary Program, which will be posted to the ASA website for your confirmed meeting time.
Reception space requests are closed for the 2024 Annual Meeting. Business meeting requests remain open.