Sponsor General Annual Meeting Activities
To exhibit at the 2023 ASA Annual Meeting, select an Exhibit Package or Ad using our form. If your organization or institution is interested in sponsoring general Annual Meeting activities or specific events, see the information below, select the options that best suit your goals and budget, and contact the ASA Secretariat directly.
*Exclusive Event Sponsorships are first come, first served. Champion level sponsors may choose any event for exclusive sponsorship including main events. Patron level sponsors may select anything at the Patron level or below for exclusive sponsorship, or a main event for co-sponsorship.
View the full-size sponsorship benefits card or download it to send to your organization here.

Sponsor Special Annual Meeting Events
Main Events: Opening Reception, Awards Ceremony, & Closing Gala
All Sponsor Levels All sponsorships for our main events, including the Opening Reception, Awards Ceremony, & Closing Gala, (as well as our annual tote bags) must be directed through our Local Arrangements Committee (LAC). Depending on the planned activities of the LAC, sponsorship benefits may include extra offerings. To sponsor these main events, contact the ASA Secretariat directly.
Emerging Scholar Pre-Conference Workshop ($12,000)
Patron Level+ Each year, the ASA, the Emerging Scholars Network (ESN), and other relevant stakeholders, organize a workshop to be held in conjunction with the ASA Annual Meeting. ASA’s PIPES (Publishing Improvement Pipeline for Emerging Scholars) and PACT (Professionalization and Career Training) workshops alternate annually and draw on ASA Members’ expertise and generous mentorship to cultivate successful, confident, and prepared Emerging Scholars. The 2023 PIPES Workshop will focus on journal publishing.
Emerging Scholar Reception ($12,000)
Patron Level+ Each year, the ASA, the Emerging Scholars Network (ESN), and other relevant stakeholders, host an event to support networking and community building for Emerging Scholars across disciplines. These events help foster key interdisciplinary exchange, international collaborations, peer-mentoring, and life-long support networks. Some years, this event is a dinner or wine & cheese reception with mentors and leadership, while other years it is a structured social activity. In 2023, the ASA in collaboration with Sports Africa will host a Trivia Night. Sports Africa programming foregrounds the gender, racial, and power inequities that impact athletics in an effort to inspire meaningful change and activist scholarship. All are welcome. Participation signup will open in August.
Coordinate Organization Receptions & Meetings ($8,000+)
Coordinate Organizations build communities around specific areas or interests within the field of African Studies with the primary focus of facilitating the exchange of ideas, information, and research findings. The ASA currently has 14 Coordinate Organizations that host events at each ASA Annual Meeting. Support these special communities in their unique programming each year. The ASA Secretariat will organize the event details with supported Coordinate Organizations directly.
ASA Fellows Reception ($8,000)
The Annual Meeting includes scholars, researchers, and practitioners from over 60 countries and 600 institutions around the globe. The ASA hosts special fellows from African institutions, including scholars funded by the Carnegie Corporation of New York and ASA Presidential Fellows supported in part by ACLS. Help welcome our annual cohort of fellows with this warm gathering of Annual Meeting attendees.
Sponsorship Opportunities Outside the Annual Meeting
To specifically support an ASA Presidential Fellow, one of our prestigious prizes or lectures, Emerging Scholar Network activities, Coordinate Organization events, or other impactful programming, please contact one of our talented staff members. Individuals may also donate to the ASA General Fund which supports the expansion of accessible programming, year-round educational resource development, & K-12 Teacher programming.