The African Studies Association is the proud publisher of two highly regarded journals, African Studies Review and History in Africa. In addition, throughout its history, ASA has published a number of books, monographs and occasional papers.

African Studies Review (ASR) is the flagship scholarly journal of the African Studies Association (USA). The ASR publishes the highest quality African studies scholarship in all academic disciplines. The ASR’s rigorous interdisciplinary peer review seeks to contribute to the development of scholarly conversations of interest to the diverse audience of the Association’s membership and to the growth of African studies in North America, on the African continent, and in a global comparative context. Read more about ASR and ASR Prizes.
History in Africa is an international, peer-reviewed academic journal that publishes original research and review essays on methodological and historiographical matters pertaining to African history. It has been at the forefront of critical discussion of these topics for more than four decades. It seeks submissions that suggest new methodological approaches, provide insights into source materials, and reflect critically on themes in existing literatures or emerging fields of inquiry. History in Africa is a venue for rigorous analysis of both established and emerging research practices as well as of the resulting scholarly production about the African past. Read more about HiA.
Members of the African Studies Association receive free access to the online catalogue of African Studies Review and History in Africa, which includes FirstView articles, current issues, and archived volumes. Current members can log into myASA to access the journal links. History in Africa is published in the second half of the calendar year.
Both journals are published by Cambridge University Press. Publication claims should be sent Advertisement queries should be directed to
How to Get Involved:
If you are interested in submitting an article, or learning more about the journals, please see their respective pages on the Cambridge website, and
ASA News:
The ASA News is published biannually, and features reports on association business, articles on the state of the field, interviews, profiles, and member updates. Read ASA News back issues here.
How to Get Involved:
You can submit your own update for inclusion in our next issue through our Member News Form. You can also use that form to suggest a full length article you’d like to see in ASA News, or that you’d like to author.
Publishing Workshops:
Learn about publishing workshops engaging ASA members, the greater ASA community, and Emerging Scholars.
Statement of Guiding Principles:
Read the ASA/ASAUK Statement of Guiding Principles for the Sale of Rights in African Territories.