Call for Manuscripts – Early Career Researchers from Africa
New Series: Reproduction and Care in Africa
Zed Books is seeking book manuscripts from early career researchers in Africa for a new book series that showcases the work of a new generation of African scholars in the Humanities and Social Sciences writing on the theme of “reproduction and care”. The series will publish 8 new books with funding provided by the Carnegie Corporation of New York to support Open Access publishing.
We are looking for manuscripts that reflect the diversity of contemporary writing in and about Africa.
Books in the series will focus on the theme of reproduction in Africa. The series will publish books that interrogate the diversity of biological and social reproductive practices on the African continent. Reproduction is defined broadly and can include (although is not limited to) practices that are aimed at conceiving (or not conceiving) babies, caring for people, reproduction of working people, creating relatedness, and becoming citizens. We seek manuscripts that interrogate the historical, social, cultural, and political dimensions of reproduction, and which have a clear empirical focus on practices, epistemologies, and theories that are grounded in African realities. We are also interested in manuscripts that thematically and methodologically study care economies and social reproductive practices as they relate both to economic and political marginalization, and inclusion.
We welcome book projects that engage with:
- Interdisciplinary perspectives on questions of biological reproduction in Africa;
- Interdisciplinary perspectives on social reproduction and associated care economies across Africa;
- Historical and social contexts of reproduction, both local, national and global;
- Religious, cultural and artistic perspectives on these issues across Africa;
- Questions of democracy and decolonization through the lens of reproduction;
- Critical perspectives from feminist theory, legal and ethical discourse and political economy; and
- An emphasis on systematic, historically grounded and cross-cultural viewpoints.
We are looking for book-length manuscripts between 70,000-100,000 words in length and submissions of edited collections as well as monographs are welcome. All manuscripts will be subject to rigorous peer review. Please submit a proposal outline (a template form is available here) and 1 or 2 draft sample chapters in the first instance to Editorial Director David Avital at
Series Editors:
Nolwazi Mkhwanazi, University of Pretoria
Genevieve Nrenzah, University of Ghana
Lyn Ossome, Makerere University