CCNY Workshop Survey Name First Last Your Email* Affiliation*From which country did you participate in the Virtual Workshop?*Was the ASA Annual Meeting the first academic workshop organized in North America you attended?* Yes No Please let the ASA know how your experience was in terms of logistics: 1) Did you find it easy to connect to the ASA Virtual Workshop? 2) Were you able to stay connected for as long as you wanted? 3) Were you able to successfully engage the mentors and other fellows virtually?*Please let the ASA know about your experience presenting in the workshop groups: were the expectations clear? Did you enjoy your experience? Did you find the feedback you received helpful?Are there any ways the ASA can improve this experience in future years?If the ASA offered future online workshops for fellows, would you be interested in attending again?Outside of the workshop, in what ways can the ASA support you as a scholar on the continent?Did your participation in this workshop give you a good opportunity to present your work and to engage with new colleagues?* Yes No Did you have the opportunity to exchange ideas with other CCNY scholars?* Yes No Did you find the workshop breakouts productive and positive environments?* Yes No Did you find this experience helpful in preparing this or future presentations?* Yes No If you answered no to any of the questions above, please explain why. Additionally, if you would like to elaborate on why you answered yes to any of the above questions, please do so here Δ