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Governing Climate Change in Africa

Despite having contributed the least to global climate emission, Africa is the continent being hardest hit by the negative impacts of climate change, while simultaneously perhaps least well positioned to adapt to these changing circumstances. Despite these enormous challenges, the continent has not been idle and instead has been exercising its agency both at the local level and in the global arena in order to be inserted into efforts to combat climate change. Many Africans rely more directly on their natural environments for their livelihoods and as a result have been at the forefront of evolutions in sustainability. This panel will discuss a range of issues relating to both the challenges and opportunities being presented to the African continent as well as many African solutions to this increasingly global problem. The panel will also discuss the relation of Africans to their resources and the way in which environmental and climate change is impacting their ability to prosper off their resources sustainably. This multidisciplinary panel will provide a number of varying perspectives to interrogate climate change and environmental issues as they pertain to the African continent.

Please contact me ASAP to notify me of your interest in joining this panel and plan to send me your abstract by mid-February.

Contact: Andrew Heffernan, University of Ottawa, andrew.heffernan@uottawa.ca