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Shumway, Rebecca

Affiliation: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

Pronouns: she/her

Email Contact: shumwayr[at]uwm.edu

Website: https://uwm.edu/history/people/shumway-rebecca/

I am a historian of West Africa and the Atlantic World with a focus on coastal Ghana (Fante). I received my PhD in History from Emory University in 2004 and hold the position of Associate Professor of History at the University of Wisconsin Milwaukee. I was previously Assistant Professor at the College of Charleston, Minnesota State University Mankato and the University of Pittsburgh. My first book, “The Fante and the Transatlantic Slave Trade” (Rochester 2011), was a finalist for the Herskovits Prize (the best book on Africa published in the previous year in the fields of History, Political Science, Art History, Anthropology and Literature). I have articles published in the International Journal of African Historical Studies, Slavery and Abolition, History in Africa and the Ghana Studies Journal. I am co-editor with Trevor Getz of Slavery and its Legacy in Ghana and the Diaspora (Bloomsbury Academic Press, 2017), and have published chapters in several edited volumes.