African Studies Review Publishing Improvement Pipeline for Emerging Scholars (PIPES) Workshop in Collaboration with the African Studies Association (USA), History in Africa (HiA), and the Emerging Scholars Network (ESN)
November 29, 2023
San Francisco, California
The African Studies Review (ASR) convenes the Publishing Improvement Pipeline for Emerging Scholars (PIPES) Workshops in collaboration with the African Studies Association (USA) to stimulate, solicit, and further develop high quality journal submissions from emerging scholars of African studies under the mentorship of senior Africanists. In collaboration with the ASA the ASR will sponsor a PIPES workshop at Marriott Marquis, 780 Mission Street, San Francisco on November 29, 2023. Scholars who wish to submit a proposal to a PIPES are, ideally, post-doctoral researchers, newly minted PhDs with works-in-progress currently underway, and soon-to-submit PhD students. Emerging scholars will have an opportunity to work closely with senior scholars to re-work a pre-circulated draft article.
The broader goals of PIPES-San Francisco are to:
- Increase submissions from emerging scholars to top-rated journals, especially ASR;
- Improve quality of submissions from emerging scholars;
- Increase revise and resubmission rate from emerging scholars;
- Improve access to ASR for emerging scholars;
- Improve networking and collaboration opportunities among likeminded scholars; and,
- Increase participation of emerging scholars in review process.
Eligibility & Application Criteria:
- Complete applications may be submitted in English or French no later than August 1, 2023 – incomplete applications shall not be considered;
- All applicants shall be program participants on the draft program and registered for the African Presences: Envisioning Africa in Text and Deed conference [see https://africanstudies.org/annual-meetings/asa-cfp/];
- PhD student applicants shall be ABD, and have completed dissertation research;
- Early career applicants shall have completed their PhD within the past five years (since August 2018);
- Women, African or African descendant scholars, as well as scholars of disciplines underrepresented in the African Studies Review are encouraged to apply.
Submission Process:
Applicants for a PIPES workshop must prepare and submit the following no later than August 1, 2023:
- A cover letter stating broad academic goals and interests, and an express commitment to adhere to the expectations of the workshop (participation in entire workshop and reading pre-circulated work), and to revise and submit the product of the workshop to the ASR for peer-review and possible publication;
- A current curriculum vitae listing all educational qualifications, research funding received, publications, and employment history;
- A polished draft article of between 5000-10,000 words, complete with citations;
- Evidence of good standing as a PhD student, including year in program, or, for early career applicants, a letter from chair of home department indicating rank and title;
- For early career applicants ONLY, a copy of PhD diploma awarded.
Complete applications shall be compiled as a single PDF file and submitted by email to Tracey Anderson (managingeditor@africanstudiesreview.org) with “ASR-PIPES-San Francisco” in the subject line.
Space will be limited to approximately 10-12 emerging scholars, and decisions will be made with a view to diversity of background, experience, theme, discipline, and other concerns, subject to availability of suitable mentors. Applicants selected for participation will be notified by email by the ASR’s Managing Editor by SEPTEMBER 1, 2023. An alternate list will be maintained should vacancies arise. Applicants are responsible for their own travel and meeting attendance costs.
General queries may be directed to Tracey Anderson managingeditor@africanstudiesreview.org or Sebastian Elischer selischer@ufl.edu with “ASR-PIPES-San Francisco” in the subject line.