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African Critical Inquiry Programme Ivan Karp Doctoral Research Awards for African Students Enrolled in South African Ph.D. Programmes

Closing Date: Wednesday 1 May 2024

The African Critical Inquiry Programme is pleased to announce the 2024 Ivan
Karp Doctoral Research Awards to support African doctoral students in the humanities
and humanistic social sciences who are enrolled at South African universities and
conducting dissertation research on relevant topics. Grant amounts vary depending on
research plans; the maximum award is ZAR 50,000.

The African Critical Inquiry Programme (ACIP) seeks to advance inquiry and
debate about the roles and practice of public culture, public cultural institutions and
public scholarship in shaping identities and society in Africa. The Ivan Karp Doctoral
Research Awards are open to African postgraduate students (regardless of citizenship)
in the humanities and humanistic social sciences. Applicants must be currently
registered in a Ph.D. programme in a South African university and be working on topics
related to ACIP’s focus. Awards support doctoral research projects focused on topics
such as institutions of public culture, museums and exhibitions, forms and practices of
public scholarship, culture and communication, and the theories, histories, and systems
of thought that shape and illuminate public culture and public scholarship. Awards are
open to proposals working with a range of methodologies, including research in
archives and collections, fieldwork, interviews, surveys, and quantitative data collection.

For full information about this opportunity and how to apply, see the Call for
Proposals listed under “ACIP Opportunities” on our website:

ACIP is a partnership between the Centre for Humanities Research at the University of
the Western Cap