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Call for Board of Directors Self-Nominations

The ASA Nominations Committee is soliciting self-nominations from members who wish to be considered for the 2023 election slate for positions on the Board of Directors of the ASA. If elected, board members serve for three years, beginning at the Fall Board meeting in their year of election, and continuing through the Fall Board meeting of their third year.

Please note: self-nominations will be shared with the 2022 Nominations Committee to consider as they put together the slate for the 2023 election. Submitting a self-nomination does not guarantee placement on the slate. Self-nominations are the only type of nomination accepted. All self-nominations must be submitted in English.

Responsibilities are:
• To serve and advance the interests of the ASA as a whole
• To attend all scheduled Board meetings (usually one in the fall and one in the spring)
• To serve on one or two Board committees that serve and carry out the interests of the ASA including the Annual Meeting, the Executive, Publications, Finance, or Nominations Committees
• To review the budget of the ASA
• To work productively with the Executive Director and staff of the ASA

To Be Considered:
Submit a 500-word statement that includes a short bio and explanation for why you believe you would be a good candidate (this may include past ASA service, leadership positions, other relevant experience, etc.) via email to secretariat@africanstudies.org. Submissions must be received by Monday, February 14, 2022, to be considered by the committee.