Africa and International Relations
Africa’s Diasporas
African Feminisms, Gender, & Sexuality
African Philosophy
Climate Change and Sustainability
Development and Political Economy
Digital Humanities
Ethnicity, Race, & Nationality
Health, Healing, & Disability
History and Archaeology
Music, Performance, & Visual Culture
Parties, Politics, & Elections
Peace and Security
Popular Culture and Media
Religion and Spirituality
Social Movements and Resistance
Urban Africa
Special Topics
New Africa-China Research, Part Three: Centering Mobility in Africa-China Relations
New Africa-China Research, Part Two: African Agency in Theory and Practice
Rethinking African Agency in Sino-African Relations
Diplomatic & International History in African History & Studies Panel II
Diplomatic & International History in African History & Studies Panel I
Africa’s Relations with External Actors
National Elite Identities and African Foreign Policies
New Africa-China Research, Part One: Contested Framings of Africa-China Relations
Intra-African Relations: Institutions, Borders, and Power
Recentering Africa: The Role of Africa’s Diasporas
Experiencing Home: Transnational Connectivity and Diasporic Representation
African Transnational Youth Mobilities in Real Time and Over the Life-course
Beyond Silos: The Transnational, Destabilizing Potential of Queer African Entanglements
Women’s in Political Leadership in West Africa
Birth Control and Abortion in Africa’s Past and Present
African Masculinities in the Modern World, Part III
African Masculinities in the Modern World, Part II
Author Meets Critic: Peace Adzo Medie’s His Only Wife
Conceptualisation of Utu-Centric and Ubuntu as a Decolonial and Feminist Philosophical frame in Micere Mugo’s Work
African Masculinities in the Modern World, Part I
Roundtable: Activists Across Borders: African Women in Transnational Women’s Movements
Panic and Desire, Girls and Mothers: The Emotions of Gender and Capitalism in Africa’s Past and Present
Author Meets Critic: Knowing Women: Same-Sex Intimacy, Gender and Identity in Postcolonial Ghana
Emerging Work in Queer African Studies
Women’s Participation and Erasure in Political Spaces
Author Meets Critic: Naked Agency: Genital Cursing and Biopolitics in Africa
Gendering Rural Livelihoods in sub-Saharan Africa: Examining the Terrains of Struggle
The Gendered Effects of COVID-19 on Africa and her Diaspora
Neoliberalism, Gender, and Curriculum Transformation in Higher Education: Feminist Decoloniality As Care (FemDAC)
Roundtable: Gendered Patterns of Violence Against Women and Youth in Nigeria
Women in Relation to Women: Women’s Friendships as Political History in South Africa
African Feminist History: Exploring and Contesting the Research, Writing, and Teaching of the Stories of African Women’s Lives
Author Meets Critic: Working Class Homosexuality in South Africa: Voices from the Archives
Reexamining Roots of Knowledge
On the Use and Abuse of Identities in Africa
Precarity, Policy, and the State in Africa
Imagining Otherwise, Part II: Anthropological
The Decline of Marriage and the Materiality of Partnership in Uganda, Part II
The Decline of Marriage and the Materiality of Partnership in Uganda, Part I
Author Meets Critic: Politics, Aesthetics, Performance, and the African City
Green Extractivism in Africa
Roundtable: Envisioning Sustainable African Futures
Pastoral Futures: the 21st Century and Beyond
Sustainability at the Edges: Marginalized Voices on Emerging Environmental Problems
Beyond Climate: Imagining Africa’s Environmental Sustainability Part II
Climate Change and Global Environmental Governance in Africa
Beyond Climate: Imagining Africa’s Environmental Sustainability Part I
Roundtable: Is Democratic Progress BeingMade in Central African Countries?
Politics of Contentious State Development
Roundtable: Governance, Conflict, Equality, and Sustainability in the New Scramble for Africa’s Extractives
Afro-Asian Solidarity and the South-South Flows
Author Meets Critic: Batman Saves the Congo: How Celebrities Disrupt the Politics of Development
Roundtable: A Path to Decisive Leadership in the DRC? Juggling Multiple Interests
Beyond Climate: Imagining Africa’s Environmental Sustainability Part I
Politics of Aid and Rural Development
Mixed Blessings and Unintended Consequences: Information Technology for Development in Sub-Saharan Africa
Emerging Technologies of Sovereignty
(Re)conceptions and (Re)consideration of the Dynamics of Taxation
Politics of Human Capital Formation
Author Meets Critic: Self-Devouring Growth: A Planetary Parable as Told from Southern Africa
Roundtable: Contesting Discourses of Land Administration and Agricultural Reform in Ghana
Contemporary Issues in Customary Law
Ordinary Women, Extraordinary Lives: The Contributions of Women to Social and Political Development in West Africa
Roundtable: Digital Africa: Collaborative Mapping of the Built Environment with “Bright Insight”
Africanization and its Legacies in East Africa
Continuity, Conflict, Creativity: Ethnic Identity in South Africa’s Coastal Belt
Ethnicity and Nationalism in Post-Conflict Peacebuilding
Race, Identities, and Conflict
Assessing and Addressing Risk in Healthcare
Roundtable: Self-Testing for COVID-19: Are African Communities Prepared to be Key Actors in Case Detection?
Roundtable: Histories of Medicine in Africa/African histories of Medicine
Resiliency in Health
COVID-19: The Impact on Performance and the Performance of Impact
The Role of Music and Literature in Senegambian Ethics of Consciousness, Leadership, and Development
Music, Gender/Sexuality, and Persistence: Defining and Interpreting Momentous Times
Visualizing and Performing Africa!
Author Meets Critic: Opposing Apartheid on Stage: King Kong the Musical
Author Meets Critic: Kusamira Music in Uganda
Authoritarian Institutions: Effects and Perceptions
Political Parties in Africa: Party Building and Decay
Analysis of Public Opinion using Afrobarometer Data: Critical Perspectives
Roundtable: Imagining Afrobarometer’s Next 20 Years: Responding to Evolving Survey and Data Environments
Candidates, Programmes & Mobilization in African Elections
Autocratization in Museveni’s Uganda, Part I
National Elite Identities and African Foreign Policies
Institutions, Integrity, Voting, and Violence: Empirical Examinations across Africa
African Populism and the Media
Authoritarian Strategies to Stay in Power
Covid-19: Vaccine Nationalism, Weaponised Public Space, and the Media in Africa
Cameroon in Crisis: The Anglophone Conflict
Arts, the Digital, and Protests Movements
Roundtable: After George Floyd: Police Brutality in Africa and the Diaspora
#EndSARS, Police Brutality, and Political Protest in Nigeria
Responding to Population Growth: Labor, Equity, and Technology
African Sound Studies Part I: Sounded Cities and Intimacies
Hygiene, Power, and the Right to the City: Urban Experiences at a Time of COVID
Old Parks – New Futures: The Changing Use of Open Urban Space in Ghana
Making Home in the City: Segregation, Mobilities, and Urban Space in 20th-century Africa
Roundtable: Defining Paradigms of Work in Africa
Life in Urban Africa: Inclusion and Possibilities
Roundtable: Reciprocal Obligation & Speaking & Being Heard in Uganda Studies
Roundtable: Collecting for the Library of Congress in West Africa: Opportunities & Challenges
Roundtable: Navigating “Digital Fieldwork” in Hard Times: Some Innovative Ideas from Scholars in the Field
Roundtable: Who Cares About Your Research? Making Your Scholarship Impactful Outside Your Classroom
The University of the Global Pandemic
Roundtable: Supporting and Engaging Scholars and Researchers Beyond the COVID Era
Pathologies of Crisis: the Social Sciences and the Problem of African Freedom
Roundtable: Reflections on 10 years of Next-Gen Funding of Doctoral Studies in Africa
Kenneth Good and Ian Taylor Memorial
Research as More than Extraction? Part II: Knowledge Production and Fieldwork
Research as More than Extraction? Part I: Knowledge Production, Authority, & Advocacy
The Study of African Studies
Re-centering Africa: dissecting agency through knowledge production, sports, and LGBTQI+ lenses
Roundtable: Publishing in the Journal of West African History
Of African Statehood and Strife in the Time of Covid, Part II
AfricaNow!: COVID Communications
Of African Statehood and Strife in the Time of Covid, Part I
AfricaNow!: Sustainability & Fast Fashion
AfricaNow!: African Women not Women enough for Sports? Interrogating Gender Identity Politics before and beyond the Olympics
Monkey and the Hot Potato: Reflections of Emerging Black/African Scholars on Negotiating Pedagogies of “Africa”
AfricaNow!: Recent Trends and Issues in African Cinema
Roundtable: Where Does African Studies Belong? Institutional Experiences of African Studies and African-American Studies
AfricaNow!: Entrepreneurship & Urbanism
African Studies Keywords
Roundtable: Unpacking the Libraries: How, What, Who
AfricaNow!: Examining Ethiopia’s Dynamics
AfricaNow! Mineral Geographies and Sustainability: Reconciling the Resource Curse Paradox for Africa
Emerging Scholar Careers and COVID-19
Theory in Forms: Politics meets New Writing
AfricaNow!: Religion & Material Culture
Encountering the Field: Experiences, Resilience, and the Prospects for Renewing Knowledge Production in a Post- Covid-19 Africa
Contested Truths Over COVID-19 in Africa: Part II
AfricaNow! Health & Healing
AfricaNow! Arts & Literature
Contested Truths Over COVID-19 in Africa: Part I
Publish That Book
AfricaNow! Language & Connection
Cameroon in Crisis: The Anglophone Conflict
Arts, the Digital, and Protests Movements
Roundtable: After George Floyd: Police Brutality in Africa and the Diaspora
#EndSARS, Police Brutality, and Political Protest in Nigeria