Digital Humanities
Education, Teaching, & Pedagogy
Environment, Conservation, & Food Security
Gender, Sexuality, & African Feminisms
Health, Healing, & Medical Humanities
History and Archaeology
Indian Ocean Studies
Interrogating African Studies
Migration, Border Studies, & Refugees
Music, Performance, & Visual Arts
Peace and Security
Policy and International Relations
Politics and Political Economy
Popular Culture and Media
Race, Blackness, & Africaness
Religion and Spirituality
Special Topics
Urban Studies and Spatiality
Responding to Needs: Individual and State Strategies to Managing Every Day Life
Geopoetics of Care and Repair in the Postcolony Part IV: Care and Repair in Digitopian presents and Futures
Geopoetics of Care and Repair in the Postcolony Part III: Towards an Ethics of Care in Postcolonial Governance?
Decolonizing the African State: historical ethnographic approaches
Geopoetics of Care and Repair in the Postcolony Part II: The Politics and Intimacies of Health Care
Geopoetics of Care and Repair in the Postcolony Part I: Materiality of Repair and Care Across African Landscapes of Labour
Studying International Interventions in Contemporary Africa: Decolonizing Projects, Historical and Ethnographic Approaches
The Politics of the Archives: From the Print Era to the Digital Age Part II
The Politics of the Archives: From the Print Era to the Digital Age Part I
Podcasts and the Study of Africa: A Digital Technology’s Impact on Research, Teaching, and Public Engagement
New Light on the Arabic Writings of Omar Ibn Said
Frontiers in the Digital History of Slavery and Abolition
Communication and the Generational Tech Gap
Education, Liberation, and Citizenship in Post-Colonial Africa
The Scope of Pedagogical Vision: Individual, National, and Planetary
Land, Resources, and Energy Use in Senegal: Past and Present
Critical Conservation Studies
Community, Consumption, and Environmental Production: Lessons from Africa
Climate Justice as Racial Justice
Nature, Culture, Power in food security and Resource Management
Decolonizing Wildlife: Persistence of “Colonial Game” or New Possibilities for Integrating Communities and Animals?
Narrating Nature: Wildlife Conservation and Maasai Ways of Knowing
Health, Disease, and Environment
Challenging Settled Narratives: Disability Research and the Experience of Disability in Ghana
Reflecting on the 20th Anniversary of the Durban Conference
Mental Health & Healing in Africa
State and Society’s Impact on Public Health
Religious and Spiritual Consideration in Healthcare and Health Practices
Language and Living on the Swahili Coast
Indian Ocean Epistemologies and African-Asian Studies
African Studies Review Keywords
Teaching While Black: African History and the Politics of Blackness in the Classroom
Seeking Something Different Through International Migration
Complicating Borders for Refugees and the Forcibly Displaced
Consumers, Entrepreneurs, Students, and Translators: Peopling China-Africa Relations
Being and Belonging Across Boundaries
Preservation and Exploration of Tradition
African Music Documentary: Screenings and Conversations with Filmmakers
Power, Purpose and Possibilities of African Music in the Twenty First Century
The Performance of National Identity
The Beautiful Skin: Football, Fantasy, and Cinematic Bodies in Africa
African Modernism and New Scholarship
African Sculpture and Modernism: International Perspectives
Beneath the Surface: A Transnational History of Skin Lighteners
Exploring Themes of Ecocriticism, Religion, and Migration in Literature and Memory
The Legacy of Colonialism and the Emergence of Afrophobia
“Does Anybody Live Beyond you?” Demonstrating the Maghreb’s Africanity
Critical Perspectives on ‘China-Africa’ Studies
Decolonizing Africana Sociologies
Politics and Memory in the Sahel
Life On the Cusp: Imagining Futures from Rural to Urban Ghana
Oduntun’s Challenge to Eurocentric Agency, Temporality, and Space
Possibilities in African Urban History
Urban Africa in Cross-Regional Comparative Perspective
What about Sapeuses? Tariq Zaidi’s Sapeurs: Ladies and Gentlemen of the Congo
Online Research & Teaching with Africa Maps: Tips, Techniques, Examples & Resources
Uses of “Genocide” in Cameroon
Museum Inclusivity: Innovations for the Traveling Exhibition