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Ogoti, Vincent R.

Affiliation: University of Wisconsin-Madison

Email Contact: ogoti[at]wisc.edu

Twitter Handle: @VinceOgoti

Personal Website: https://vinceogoti.com

I use humanities and social science tools to build peaceful and sustainable communities. I am a doctoral candidate at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, where I am completing a dissertation on drama, revolutions, and violence in Africa. I am also a peacebuilding practitioner with extensive experience in running conflict transformation projects in East Africa, the Middle East, and the US.

I earned a master’s degree from the University of Notre Dame’s Keough School of Global Affairs, and a bachelor’s degree from the University of Nairobi. I have also studied English and Political Science (coursework) at Yale University, where I was a Fulbright scholar at the MacMillan Center for International and Area Studies.