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Kretzer, Michael M.

Affiliation: Ruhr University Bochum (RUB) & Rhodes University

Email Contact: m.kretzer[at]ru.ac.za

Personal Website: www.geographie.ruhr-uni-bochum.de/index.php?id=1696&L=1

Dr. Michael M. Kretzer worked for Molteno and the Reading Association of South Africa (RASA) in 2010/2011. In 2012 he began as a research associate for the Center for international Development and Environmental Research (ZEU) at the Justus-Liebig-University (JLU) in Giessen, Germany, and started with his PhD at the Department of Human Geography and Development Research (JLU). For his PhD study, he went several times between 2012 and 2016 to South Africa for data collection in the three research provinces. He finished and published his PhD study in early 2018, entitled “Potential of the implementation of language policy in the education system of South Africa: Case study of Gauteng, Limpopo and North West Province”. Dr. Kretzer was a NRF SARChI Chair Post-Doctoral Research Fellow at the School of Languages and Literature at Rhodes University in South Africa between 2018 and 2020. Since 2020 he started to work at the Department of Geography at Ruhr University in Bochum (RUB), Germany.