Want an opportunity to practice your presentation ahead for the ASA Annual Meeting? Worried about speaking too quickly or going over time? Join us for one of two mock presentation sessions on Zoom and get peer feedback!
Register here.
Session 1: Monday, November 13, 9:30 – 11:00 am EST
Session 2: Thursday, November 16, 4:30 – 6:00 pm EST
Attendees must be:
- ASA members who identify as emerging scholars (Emerging scholars are defined by ASA as graduate students and early-career professionals within 5 years of receiving a terminal degree)
- Presenting in-person at the ASA Annual Meeting in San Francisco, Nov. 30 – Dec. 2, 2023
- Able to submit their paper to emergingscholars@africanstudies.org 48 hours before their mock session time
- Willing to provide peer feedback to other attendees
Register by Friday, October 27. Space is extremely limited. Selected attendees will be notified on Monday, October 30.