Annual Coordinate Organization Reporting Form Name of Organization*Primary Organization Contact Person*Contact Position within the Organization*Personal Institutional Affiliation*Contact Email Address* Approximate Number of Members*Membership Dues*If there has been a change in your dues, please let us know as soon as possible.Updated Website URL*Please check the link associated with your Coordinate Organization on our website and update the url here if necessary. Facebook URLTwitter HandleInstagram HandleOther Social MediaFounding Year of the Organization*Only requested if this is your org's first report or you have a significant upcoming anniversary.Bylaws/Policies*Please upload a PDF or word doc of your Coord Org's current bylaws or Policies & Procedures. These are required to be on file at ASA for our audit. If they do not exist, please include that fact in the "Additional Comments" at the bottom -- they will need to be written and filed by the end of the calendar year. Drop files here or Select files Max. file size: 128 MB. Organization's Mission Statement*Will be printed in the ASA Annual Report.Please provide the names and email addresses for your organization's current or incoming officers for communication purposes.Officer Position, Full Name, Email PAST YEAR OVERVIEW AND NEW YEAR PLANNINGPlease answer the following questions to the best of your knowledge and feel free to email the Coordinate Organization Liaison as a follow up for future arrangement.List of Past Year Prizes/Awards & the Winners Activity Highlights from the Past Year**Answers will also be printed verbatim in the ASA Annual Report unless editing for length is required. We may contact you for a feature in ASA News based on the information you share each year dependent on publication space.Collaborations and/or Joint Initiatives*If your organization has an idea for a collaboration or joint initiative with the ASA for the coming year, please let us know so we can contact you and plan ahead.In what ways can the ASA help facilitate your organization?*If you would like to request a meeting with ASA Board of Directors, please outline agenda itemsCoordinate Organizations are often asked to submit written proposals to Board committees for consideration. Please detail what your request or policy review would be so we can reach out with further instructions. Please share any major expenses or events that are forthcoming for the next two years. This will assist the ASA in appropriate budgeting.Additional Comments (if any)CAPTCHAPhoneThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. Δ