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Conover-Porter Award


Nominations open January, 2026

The Africana Librarians Council, a coordinate organization of the African Studies Association (U.S.), seeks nominations for the biennial Conover-Porter Award for Excellence in Africana Bibliography or Reference work.

The Conover-Porter Award is the most prestigious award for published works of bibliography or reference on Africa. Any Africa-related reference work, bibliography, or bibliographic essay published separately or as part of a larger work during 2024 or 2025 can be nominated for the 2026 award.

The award includes a prize of $300 to be presented during the 2024 Annual Meeting of the African Studies Association in Chicago, Illinois.


The Conover-Porter Award was established in honor of two pioneers in African studies bibliography: Helen F. Conover and Dorothy B. Porter Wesley. Helen F. Conover was senior bibliographer, African Section of the Library of Congress, serving 32 years before her retirement in 1963, and Dorothy B. Porter Wesley was librarian of the Moorland-Spingarn Research Center, Howard University, retiring in 1973 after 45 years of service. The Conover-Porter Award was first awarded in 1980, and was presented to Julian Witherell for The United States & Africa: Guide to the U.S. Official Documents & Government-Sponsored Publications on Africa, 1785-1975 (Washington, DC: Library of Congress, 1978).

View a list of previous winners on the Africana Librarian Council website.


For each work that you nominate, please provide the following:

  • Information about yourself: full name, email address, mailing address, and telephone number
  • Information about the work: author(s), title, publisher, and year of publication
  • Publisher contant information: for requesting review copies if necessary
  • Justification: Specifically state why you think this is a work of significance and quality. Include references to published reviews.

Please apply using the online form or by emailing your nomination to the 2024 Award Coordinator.

Kindly send inquiries and submissions to the 2024 Award Coordinator:

Ms. Heather Martin (Chair, ALC Collections & User Services Committee)
Librarian for African and African American Studies
Duke University
236 Bostock Library
Box 90195
Durham, NC 27708-0195
Email: heather.martin@duke.edu