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2024 Prize Nomination Season

There is no shortage of exceptional work, inspiring mentorship, and invaluable service to celebrate and acknowledge across the ASA community. Nominate your own work (call your publisher!) or that of someone you admire before the deadlines below. 

Please follow the specific linked guidelines for each prize. Some nominations take a bit longer, so don’t wait until the last minute. Start the nomination process today! 

What prizes am I eligible to win and how? See the full list below:
Graduate Student Paper Prize: All 2023 Annual Meeting Student Presenters. Closed March 15.
ASR Best Africa-focused Anthology or Edited Collection Prize: Nominations by publishers only. Closes April 15.
ASR Best Africa-Based Dissertation Award: Open Nominations. Closes April 15.
ASA Best Book Prize: Nominations by publishers only. Closes April 30.
ASA Film Prize: Nominations by film makers or distributors. Closes April 30.
Bethwell A. Ogot Book Prize: Nominations by publishers only. Closes April 30.
Conover-Porter Award: Open Nominations. Closes April 30.
Distinguished Africanist Award: Open to All Members. Closes April 30.
Gretchen Walsh Book Donation Award: Open Nomination. Closes April 30.
Mahmoud Mohamed Taha Student Travel Award: Open to Members. Closes April 30.
Outstanding Service Award: Open to All Members. Closes April 30.

For questions, please contact us at members@africanstudies.org.