In the year marking the 50th anniversary of 1974’s Rumble in the Jungle, we invite papers responding to this Cold War-era global African event. For this iconic boxing match, which saw underdog Muhammad Ali defeat George Foreman after several rounds of rope-a-dope tactics, President Mobutu Sese Seko welcomed the world to Kinshasa, capital of his recently-renamed Zaïre. This panel aims to explore the match and the accompanying Zaire 74 music festival as iconic Pan-African knowledge production and Cold War spectacle. We welcome proposals from across disciplines exploring this event from a variety of perspectives.
We invite papers on a broad variety of topics across disciplines related to these events, including but not limited to:
– Zaire 74 and the Rumble in the Jungle within the context of other Pan-African festivals of the period (e.g. FESMAN ‘66, FESTAC ‘77)
– Boxing and the image of the boxer in Congo, past and present
– Mobutu’s patronage of the arts (and authenticité)
– Legacies of the fight in American and Congolese cultural memory
– Creative responses from across the arts, such as film (When We Were Kings; Ali), popular painting, and music
– Rope-a-dope as tactic
This panel is being organized by Elaine Sullivan and Ruth Sacks, both of the University of Johannesburg. Please write to both of us at and We welcome initial inquiries from those who are interested as well as full abstracts. Please write by March 8th.