Spirits in Struggles for Environmental Conservation and Renewal
The proposed panel would be comprised of papers that examine the role of religions and spirits in environmental conservation activities whether that activity is carried out by government officials, private entities, concerned individuals, churches, or healers. While there are many types of agencies and individuals currently responding to environmental problems on the African continent, many communities have a deep history of environmental matters being managed by ritual specialists or conceptually related to spirits. This panel what the new, continuing, or revived relevance of religion and spirituality are to issues of environmental conservation and climate change mitigation efforts. The panel could be comprised of people from a variety of disciplines including scholars of religious studies, development specialists, environmental studies, etc. The details of the direction this panel takes depends on the way that individual paper submissions for the panel best relate to one another.
Contact Anika Wilson (University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee) via email at awilson@uwm.edu.
Please send you paper proposals by March 25.