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Sexuality and Gender through Africa

Sexuality and Gender through Africa

This panel seeks articles that reflect on issues of gender and sexuality through and alongside “Africa,” ¬–– articles that contextualize, articulate, analyze, critique, and highlight the specific forms through which knowledge about gender and sexuality is produced, sustained, and contested. The panel welcomes articles that analyze solidarities, activism, ordinary day strategies of resilience and resistance around the terms gender and sexuality. We seek articles that examine and/or explore how specific genders and sexualities are produced and reproduced, masked and unmasked, protected, violated, and policed, as well as, articles that grapple with the intersections, nuances and relationships between gender and sexuality, and patriarchy, state politics, and global aid. We welcome articles that draw from literature, film, music, and art.

Please submit abstracts to datuhura@missouri.edu by April 1st, 2023.