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Emerging Presences in African Studies

Emerging Presences in African Studies

African Studies is at a crossroads in a myriad of ways. While there are increasing calls for intense transdisciplinary work with impact, there are also loud structural flaws weakening emerging scholars from showcasing their work. The past few years have witnessed a robust resurgence of young scholars in various fields of African Studies. More than ever before, they have taken an active part in and contributed to conversations around reshaping African Studies.

Extending this theme and in accordance with this year’s conference theme, this panel calls on all those who identify as Emerging Scholars: pre-doctoral, doctoral, early career scholars, to submit papers for this panel that explores and grapples with the development of African ontological research. This panel draws on a wide definition of empirical based research that examines African presences across the world, connects African society with the global world economy. This panels aims to encourage transdisciplinary conversations and possible points of departure are the shared history, economic dynamics, culture and religion, sexualities and gender, mobility, migration and diaspora, as well as social and environmental justice.

Email a CV and 200-word abstract to: emergingscholars@africanstudies.org
Deadline: March 31, 2023