What Do you need !?

Cultural Practices of Care in the French and the Francophone Worlds

Who cares? How to care? Whom to care? Why to care? When to care? And even where to care? Are inevitable questions that the concept of care raises. A random selection of possible definitions of care highlights key concepts like “provision”, “protection”, “attention”, “consideration”, “avoidance of…”, “safety”, “ethics” that only make the fullest sense within defined environments and specific contexts. The risk of falling into the pitfalls of discriminating, of hastily condemning or of wrongly appraising forms of care or carelessness is inevitable and looming when we move from one setting to the other. Therefore, many stereotypes about care could emerge if no attention is given to the socio-cultural practices inherent in each context, in each work of art or in each represented action. On the one hand, this panel seeks to engage in discussions around decolonizing representations and/or expectations of care in the Francophone artistic and creative arts irrespective of the genre. On the other hand, this panel will attempt to de/re/construct experiences of care/lessness by thinking about the instability of this concept when cultural practices are removed or acknowledged in one’s framework or approach. Finally, a comparative analysis of similar or conflicting representations of care from different sociocultural contexts could be very informative in attempting to do de-universalized care in imaginaries.

Key words:

Silent care
Motherly care
Fatherly care
Elderly care
Brethren care
Elderly care
Forbidden care
Medical care
Legal care
Institutional care
Religious and spiritual practices of care
Exhibitionist care
Hidden care
Care and disabilities
Care and objects
Care and animals
Care and emotions

This call is open for interdisciplinary approaches, comparative analyses, and multimedia studies.

Murielle Sandra Tiako Djomatchoua (Princeton University) would like to receive proposals via emails (mt2200@princeton.edu).