Thank you for taking the time to complete the Annual Exhibitor Survey. We appreciate and value your feedback. 2024 Annual Meeting Exhibitor Survey Exhibitor Company Name (This field is optional, you may remain anonymous).Email address for follow up (This field is optional, you may remain anonymous).Please check the box closest to the number of years you have exhibited at the ASA Annual Meeting* This was my first time at ASA 2-3 4-9 10-19 20+ What were the primary objectives for your exhibit this year?*On a scale of 1 to 10 with 10 being the highest, how would you rate your return on investment of your time and money spent on this event?12345678910Please use the space below to further expand your response to the previous questions (optional)On a scale of 1 to 10, with 10 being the highest, please rate each of the following:Number of Annual Meeting attendees12345678910Exhibit Hall Setup12345678910Position of Your Booth12345678910Exhibitor Registration Process12345678910Move in/Move out Schedule12345678910Event Advertising Opportunities12345678910Please feel free to expand your response to the previous questions, and include any suggestions for future Annual Meetings.Were the exhibit package offerings aligned with your objectives?* Yes No How could the exhibit package offerings better align with your objectives?*Did you meet your exhibiting objectives? Why or why not?To help us benchmark ourselves and continue to improve your exhibiting experience at the ASA conferences, please answer the following questions:At which other industry events do you exhibit and how do they compare to this one?What type of pre-event promotions did your company do?Please provide any ideas or suggestions you have for future Annual Meetings in regard to advertising/sponsorship opportunity, Exhibit Hall space, Annual Meeting attendee engagement, etc.Please provide any other comments or general feedback about your experience.Thank you for taking the time to complete the Exhibitor Survey. We value your feedback and take it into consideration while planning for future Annual Meetings. Please hit “Submit” and look for the green “Thank you for your submission!” message. Δ